So this is indisputably lame but, I think I love this song
I know it's just Devo's "Gut Feeling" re-rawked by your dad's favorite alt rock band, but I fucking love it. I love that McCready dances around like Billy Joe Armstrong (windmilling on a P-90 Les Paul Jr no less, although a yellow double cut away is way cooler than Billy Joe's white one). I had to watch it completely sober the next day just to make sure I wasn't losing it.
Actually, the feeling I got was the same feeling that this video elicited:
Oh man, I wanna BMX now. I halfway expect James Murphy to show up at some point, I can't explain why. Also, on the topic of old people, I just read the 33 1/3 book on Pink Flag, and I'm finishing the Daydream Nation one. It's been great to revisit both albums, but it's also been good to see that both Wire and Sonic Youth have lasted long enough to produce even more great work. It makes me wonder who's going to survive our current crop of young turks.
It doesn't look good.
brittjulious: After months of research, writing, recording, and...
After months of research, writing, recording, and editing, I’m proud to
present our new podcast special. *South Side Stories: Dr. Margaret ...
6 years ago
No. You suck.