Ok so, I got a little hot headed and said some things and now I have to throw down tomorrow against my good friend Anna P in a battle of musical tastes and mix-making. Backstory here.
I'm making a mix of songs that I love that Anna may or may not have ignored in her indie malaise. I am not so much trying to beat her, as win her over, but not in the romantic sense, making this a tricky mix indeed. In the spirit of friendly competition, loser buys drinks. Probably we'll both buy drinks and then buy some more because we haven't hung out in a while and drinking is a thing I like to do with people.
Um so, dear readers, any suggestions? Any white hot 2009 hits from the indiesphere that I shouldn't leave off? Also, if you find yourself on the other side of the fence in this debate, send your submissions or moral support to Daftpop.
Ok, tomorrow I'll be ready with a mediafire link and a lot of explaining.
brittjulious: After months of research, writing, recording, and...
After months of research, writing, recording, and editing, I’m proud to
present our new podcast special. *South Side Stories: Dr. Margaret ...
6 years ago