Jobs right? Either you can't get one, you hate the one you have and can't get anything else, or maybe you like your job but it isn't paying you shit. Or maybe it's just a control thing, the work's not that bad, they pay is more than enough but damn, will I ever have a say in how shit get's done around here?
So, I have several 'jobs.' I have my day job at the MCA. It's great, really can't complain. I love the museum, I really like my coworkers, the day to day responsibilities aren't very taxing, and I usually feel pretty good about life at work. The rub: it's three days a week and I make let's just call it not-a-whole-lot an hour. Then there's a paid gig with my alma matter doing sound design work for theatrical shows. Again, wow, what a great gig. I can work mostly off my laptop using some of my more technical and creative skills, I get paid, get to help put together a piece of collaborative art every semester. The rub: it's emotionally draining, and I don't know why. I get throw-shit-against-a-wall temperamental during the last two weeks of rehearsal no matter the show (usually not at rehearsal, although I'm afraid that one day I will just snap). And a career in sound design would probably mean a career in theatre, which is for better or worse, a world that still feels foreign to me. Long story.
Then there are two internships, one with Gallery 400 and one with Thrill Jockey. Again, wow, what the fuck right? Both are fantastic. At the Gallery, I'm learning and developing a skill set, I'm meeting so many incredibly talented people, I get to be intellectually engaged with work. Fucking fantastic, not getting paid. And Thrill Jockey, let's put it this way, if I was independently wealthy and never had to work again I would still come in on Monday to put records together at the office. The rub: neither pays, and at this point anything resembling a personal life has been obliterated. This has lead to some awkward over sharing, TMI, and just dicking around at my jobs because, well, I barely have any personal time.
Now, don't get me wrong, the last six months of my life have been incredible. I took on more than I could handle and I've handled it. Maybe not A+ handled it, but much better than my usual average. I feel much more capable than before, much more aware of myself and my limitations. But my schizophrenic schedule has left me with the same question, what do I actually want to do with my life. And my answer is still, well, everything.
Or be a musician. That's always the real answer, be a musician. I'm not going to get into the bloody details of why I am one but don't really consider myself one although I've always kinda been one no matter how hard I try to be one or not. It's really like saying to myself, I want to be a Christian. I am one, but I'm not really one you know, don't go to church enough, am too critical of the church at large, feel uneasy with how it makes others feel, etc. But like, I am one, sorta kinda. I just really don't feel good about calling myself one and then having to take on all the responsibilities of being one. With music, it's more like, I don't thing I'll ever be able to pull it off, like I'm staring down a series of failures and panic attacks and puzzled looks and yeah, not a whole lotta bread.
You know that slow moaning thing some people can do with their voice where it almost sounds like they're purring. Like a square wave slowed down so much that all you hear is clicks. I've caught myself making that sound a lot without realizing how long I've been at it. It's like the sound of an old hard drive when it was processing too fast. But I'm processing nothing, just making sound to soothe my own brain. I've started dancing and head bobbing a little too emphatically when listening to music in public lately. I'm doing that half assed literary speak thing where I pick up little idioms and poetic expressions that don't fit me at all and carelessly toss them around until they lose their intended effect. I wonder how far off I am from catching myself singing "Turtle Island" in a broken falsetto at work while staring blankly off into space. It's then when I think, man, I'm never gonna make it. Adults with responsibilities don't do that shit. Who am I trying to fool?
Beach House-Gila
Gives me the shivers, that little two note guitar line just kills me. My Beach House obsession is not waning.
Round and Round-Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
So, I never was really into Ariel Pink. I saw a disastrous set at U of C years ago where we dubbed his band Tears for Suck. But hey, he's still going isn't he, and apparently improving. I guess it's a sin to diss his earlier material now that his aesthetic has taken off in certain circles, but fuck that aesthetic. I like the self assured production values Arthur Russel cribbing way more.
Flying Lotus-Robo Tussin/A Milli Remix
This has been around for a while, but I felt like posting after seeing Flylo at the Double Door, which was absolutely amazing. He's a consumate performer who knows how to get a crowd moving with sheer enthusiasm. He dropped this one and everyone went crazy.
Sorry for the mixed up embed formats, the internet is being a pain in my ass, and I'm too lazy to find a solution.
brittjulious: After months of research, writing, recording, and...
After months of research, writing, recording, and editing, I’m proud to
present our new podcast special. *South Side Stories: Dr. Margaret ...
6 years ago
Hey Nigel,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this honest and emotionally-relatable blog post. Some advice--don't worry too much about your absent-minded behaviors. What is adulthood? It's all a made-up standard to make us feel bad that we aren't really adults. I'd say you had something to worry about if you were, say, ALWAYS making odd noises in public, like, on the train, and staring into space when people ask you to quiet down. That might be sorta scary.
I love this Ariel Pink song too. I always freak out a little a few minutes in when that David-Bowie sound-a-like comes on at minute 1:20. Is it the same singer dude? Weird. I used to like one other Ariel Pink song, I forget which one, but I thought, this is a band with a greater melodic potential that they are hiding in a layer of bullshit fuzz. But that's just my personal taste.
I think that is still Ariel at 1:20, yeah one of my favorite moments, plus a great chorus. I wonder if he's just way more focused now, in a better place to make exactly what he wants to make. His earlier work could sometimes be charming, but man is it all over the map. I think Kurt Vile (who's an AP fan) might be focusing in a similar way, although going for a different genre. And I think bullshit fuzz is definitely a matter of taste, it's like anything else, you use too much of it and it just seems lazy.