Bourgeois comfort from Norway. Coming from a particularly abyssmal second album "the (mis)understanding" (which was so saturated with the sweatstains of Ibiza it could barely warrent a second listen) Royksopp come up with an entirely different strategy: to make music for those of us who never stopped listening to early Air albums and think the Avalanches are still cool. And you know what? It works like a charm. Good electronic music that is not meant to be danced to has been few and far between. Sure theres been a few since the turn of the millenium who fulfill a similar role, such as Ratatat or J Dilla, but its just not same. Sure this kind of music could easily be heard in car commercials or pretentious chic restaurants, but just because the ad agencies and boutique entrepeneurs of this world are poaching this music left and right doesn't mean that these modest sweedish lads are actually angling for it (the way moby does, although he'd be the first to deny it). And even if they were, the temporary thrill of putting on some imaginary white leather ankle boots and being a european fashionista for just 40 minutes at home is far better than actually being one. Well worth the price of momentary bourgeois comprimise.