If you haven't heard yet, Mr. "Your Body is a Wonderland" Mayer recently drank a little too much scotch and got "raw" in a recent Playboy interview. He said some pretty inane shit like "my dick is kind of a white supremacist," claimed he had something called a "hood pass," referred to Jessica Simpson's body as both a drug and then later called her "sexual napalm" which makes me wonder whether or not Mayer knows that napalm isn't a drug. Anyway, I could go on but you've probably heard enough and if you haven't just google it, "John Mayer is a huge douche" is still one of the hottest search terms.
Um, so yeah. John Mayer is maybe a racist, almost definitely a misogynist, and for sure is a fucking moron. But that doesn't really surprise me. The man has a Stevie Ray Vaughan tattoo and makes sincere adult contemporary songs about just wanting to get stoned. This guy obviously lives in a postmodern nightmare where things signify nothing and fessing up to your insecurities while cavalierly admitting your own self absorption is what passes for authentic (thanks Kanye!). But for me, what's most interesting is a small moment when he talked about Jennifer Aniston disagreeing with him about his Twitter use. Mayer wrote her off as being stuck in the past, not willing to realize that the rules of the fame game have changed. And for once in my life, I actually felt bad for Aniston. After enduring an all too messy and public divorce she has this douchebag telling her she doesn't share her personal life enough with the public. I can hear him now, "Sorry babe, you gotta get with the program. You got fight for their hearts and minds you know, gotta keep people interested. Hey, how bout I tell them about how I like fucking airheads and getting stoned, and you can pout about your divorce. They'll eat that shit up." Hell, I might even be more sympathetic if that was the case, but I honestly think there isn't really a divide between Mayer's public and private life.
Well, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. I know, douchebags are going to think he's gutsy for being so "real" and I'm sure there are enough female fans out there who secretly believe they could change him. But at least we have some hard and fast evidence that this guy really is a total ass.
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After months of research, writing, recording, and editing, I’m proud to
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6 years ago
Hahahahha well-said, Nigel, well-said. Reading about John Mayer here did not feel like a waste of my time.
ReplyDeleteActually, I thought his little interview was interesting because it made me think again about what, precisely, constitutes racism and what constitutes douchebaggery. Often, the two intersect.
I think John felt comfortable with whoever was interviewing him, and thought he was just being jovially irreverent. I think white frat dudes talk like this to other white frat dudes a lot, so I am pretty sure white frat dudes are still going to enjoy JM for his realness, as you mentioned. Terms like "white supremacist" aren't hot button issues for some people, they are just a subversive road to being funny.
I often don't think just the mentioning of a hot-button term automatically means your racist, but in this case, dude used the n-word and dude clearly has no idea wtf he is talking about. So that's that.